Chapter 2. Hooks

Table of Contents
after-change-desk-hook (2 args)
after-new-window-hook (1 arg)
after-viewport-position-change-hook (4 args)
before-new-window-hook (1 arg)
before-place-new-window-hook (1 arg)
broadcast-config-hook (2 args)
broadcast-hook (9 args)
broadcast-mini-icon-hook (2 args)
broadcast-name-hook (5 args)
change-desk-hook (2 args)
client-message-hook (4 args)
deiconify-hook (2 args)
desk-size-change-hook (2 args)
edge-enter-hook (1 arg)
edge-leave-hook (1 arg)
edge-scroll-hook (thunk)
error-hook (1 arg)
iconify-hook (2 args)
image-not-found-hook (1 arg)
interactive-move-finish-hook (1 arg)
interactive-move-new-position-hook (3 args)
interactive-move-start-hook (1 arg)
interactive-resize-finish-hook (1 arg)
interactive-resize-new-size-hook (7 args)
interactive-resize-start-hook (3 args)
invalid-interaction-hook (thunk)
load-processing-hook (1 arg)
post-command-hook (2 args)
pre-command-hook (2 args)
scwm-test-hook-0 (thunk)
scwm-test-hook-1 (1 arg)
select-window-done-hook (1 arg)
select-window-enter-hook (1 arg)
select-window-leave-hook (1 arg)
shutdown-hook (1 arg)
startup-hook (thunk)
viewport-position-change-hook (4 args)
vv-recognition-hook (3 args)
window-close-hook (1 arg)
window-enter-hook (1 arg)
window-focus-change-hook (1 arg)
window-focus-lost-hook (1 arg)
window-fully-obscured-hook (2 args)
window-leave-hook (1 arg)
window-lower-hook (1 arg)
window-partially-obscured-hook (2 args)
window-property-change-hook (4 args)
window-raise-hook (1 arg)
window-unobscured-hook (2 args)
windows-restacked-hook (thunk)
X-ConfigureRequest-hook (6 args)
X-DestroyNotify-hook (1 arg)
X-MappingNotify-hook (thunk)
X-MapRequest-hook (1 arg)
X-PropertyNotify-hook (2 args)
X-root-PropertyNotify-hook (2 args)
X-SelectionNotify-hook (thunk)
X-UnmapNotify-hook (1 arg)


This chapter lists the hooks provided by Scwm ordered alphabetically by name.