proplist-make-array-from-elements -- Return a newly created array object populated with elements ITEMS.
proplist-make-dictionary-from-entries -- Return a newly created dictionary object with elements ITEMS.
proplist-remove-array-element -- Return PL-ARRAY after deleting the element at position INDEX.
proplist-insert-array-element -- Return the PL-ARRAY after inserting ITEM at offset INDEX.
proplist-append-array-element -- Return the PL-ARRAY after appending ITEM to the end.
proplist-insert-dictionary-entry -- Return PL-DICT after inserting (KEY,VALUE) into it.
proplist-remove-dictionary-entry -- Return PL-DICT after removing KEY and its corresponding value from it.
proplist-merge-dictionaries -- Return PL-DICT-DEST after merging in all entries from PL-DICT-SOURCE.
proplist-shallow-copy -- Return a shallow copy of property list PL.
proplist-deep-copy -- Return a deep copy of property list PL.
proplist-is-equal -- Return #t iff PLA is equal to PLB.
proplist-set-string-cmp-hook -- Use PRED as a predicate for doing proplist string comparisons.
string->proplist -- Return a proplist object containing STRING.
proplist-make-data -- Return a proplist argument containing arbitrary data from DATA.
proplist-get-container -- Return the array or dictionary of which PL is an element.
proplist-get-array-element -- Return the element at INDEX offset of PL.
proplist-get-number-of-elements -- Return the number of elements in PL.
proplist-get-all-dictionary-keys -- Return a proplist array object that contains all the keys of PL-DICT.
proplist-get-dictionary-entry -- Return the proplist dictionary entry associated with entry KEY in PL-DICT.
proplist-get-string-description -- Retuns a description of PL (a string proplist object) in GNUstep format.
proplist-get-data-description -- Returns a description of PL (a data proplist object) in GNUstep format.
proplist-get-data -- Returns the raw data from PL (a data proplist object) as a string.
proplist-get-string -- Returns the string from PL (a string proplist object).
proplist-is-string -- Return #t iff PL is a string proplist object, #f otherwise.
proplist-is-data -- Return #t iff PL is a data proplist object, #f otherwise.
proplist-is-array -- Return #t iff PL is an array proplist object, #f otherwise.
proplist-is-dictionary -- Return #t iff PL is a dictionary proplist object, #f otherwise.
proplist-is-simple -- Return #t iff PL is a string or data proplist object, #f otherwise.
proplist-is-compound -- Return #t iff PL is a dictionary or array proplist object, #f otherwise.
proplist-unregister -- No longer invoke callback when domain associated with PL-DOMAIN-NAME is changed.
proplist-register -- Register thunk CALLBACK to be called when PL-DOMAIN-NAME changes.
proplist-set-domain -- Set PL-DOMAIN-NAME to have VALUE.
proplist-delete-domain -- Delete domain PL-DOMAIN-NAME.
proplist-get-domain -- Return a property list represeting the domain PL-DOMAIN-NAME.
proplist-get-domainnames -- Return a array proplist containing all registered domain names.
proplist-get-filename -- Return the filename of PL.
proplist-set-filename! -- Set the filename for PL to be FILENAME.
proplist-save -- Save PL, atomically if ATOMICALLY? is #t.
proplist-synchronize -- Synchronize the in-memory proplist PL with the disk contents.
get-proplist-with-path -- Return the proplist from path FILENAME.
get-proplist-with-description -- Return a property list by parsing DESC in GNUstep proplist format.