window? -- Returns #t if OBJ is a window object, otherwise returns #f.
window-valid? -- Returns #t if OBJ is window object and is still valid, otherwise returns #f.
window-fully-constructed? -- Returns #t if WIN is a fully-constructed window, otherwise #f.
window-mapped? -- Returns #t if WIN is mapped, otherwise returns #f.
window-map-pending? -- Returns #t if the mapping of WIN is pending, otherwise returns #f.
select-viewport-position -- Select a viewport position and return the window there.
get-window -- Retrieve the window context or select interactively.
force-reset-window-frame! -- This redraws the window frame and decorations of WIN.
set-window-context! -- Set the current window context to WIN and return the old context.
window-context -- Returns the current window context, or #f if there is none.
window-with-focus -- Return the window that currently has the input focus.
window-with-pointer -- Return the window that currently contains the mouse pointer.
delete-window -- Request that WIN remove itself from the display.
destroy-window -- Forcibly remove WIN from the screen.
window-deletable? -- Return #t if WIN is able to be deleted, #f otherwise.
focus-window -- Give WIN the keyboard input focus.
unfocus -- Remove the input focus from any window that may have it.
warp-to-window -- Move the mouse pointer to the upper left corner of WIN.
raise-window -- Raise WIN to the top of the window stack.
lower-window -- Lower WIN to the bottom of the window stack.
restack-windows -- Restack the windows in WINLIST from front to back.
raised? -- Return #t if WIN is currently raised, #f if not.
transient? -- Return #t if WIN is transient, #f if not.
window-transient-for -- Return the window for which WIN is transient.
iconify-window -- Iconify WIN.
deiconify-window -- Deiconify WIN.
iconified-window? -- Return #t if WIN is iconified, otherwise return #f.
stick-window -- Make WIN "sticky" so that it stays stationary in the viewport.
unstick-window -- Cause a window to no longer be "sticky", if it is.
sticky-window? -- Return #t if WIN is "sticky", #f otherwise.
shade-window -- Cause WIN to become "window-shaded".
unshade-window -- Reverse the effect of shade-window on WIN.
shaded-window? -- Return #t if WIN is shaded.
window-decoration-size -- Return (decor-width decor-height) for WIN.
move-window -- Move WIN to virtual coordinates X, Y.
resize-frame -- Resize WIN to a size of W by H in pixels.
window-size-hints -- Return a list of the window size hints associated with WIN.
refresh-window -- Refresh the decorations on window WIN.
move-window-to-desk -- Move WIN to DESK.
window-gravity -- Return the gravity for WIN as a symbol.
set-window-gravity! -- Sets the gravity for WIN to GRAVITY.
window-position -- Return the position of WIN in pixels.
icon-position -- Return the position of the icon for WIN.
icon-size -- Return the size of the icon for WIN.
window-frame-size -- Return the size of the frame of WIN.
window-size -- Return the size of the application window of WIN.
window-title-size -- Return a list with the width and height of WIN's titlebar.
window-frame-border-width -- Return the width of WIN's frame's border.
window-id -- Return the X window id for WIN.
window-frame-id -- Return the X window id for the outermost frame window of WIN.
id->window -- Return the window object corresponding to an application WINDOW-ID.
frame-id->window -- Return the window object corresponding to a frame WINDOW-ID.
any-id->window -- Return the window object that contains the window with id WINDOW-ID.
window-desk -- Return the desk that WIN is currently on.
window-title -- Return the window title of WIN, as requested by the application.
window-icon-title -- Return the icon window title of WIN.
window-class-hint -- DEPRECATED.
window-resource-hint -- DEPRECATED.
window-last-focus-time -- Return the time that WIN was last focussed in seconds since 1/1/70.
window-last-focus-x-time -- Return the X11 time that WIN was last focussed.
window-creation-time -- Return the time that WIN was created in seconds since 1/1/70.
window-visibility -- Return the visibility state for WIN.
list-all-windows -- Return a list of all of the top-level window objects.
list-stacking-order -- Return a list of all non-iconified the top-level window objects, from top to bottom.
list-focus-order -- Return a list of all the top-level window objects in focus order.
keep-on-top -- Ensure that WIN is kept on top of all other windows.
un-keep-on-top -- Remove the on-top property from WIN, if it has it.
kept-on-top? -- Return #t if WIN is an on-top window, #f otherwise.
show-titlebar -- Cause WIN to be decorated with a titlebar.
hide-titlebar -- Cause WIN not to be decorated with a titlebar.
titlebar-shown? -- Return #t if WIN is decorated with a titlebar, #f otherwise.
normal-border -- Cause WIN to be decorated with a normal border.
plain-border -- Cause WIN to be decorated with a plain border.
border-normal? -- Return #t if WIN has a normal border, #f if it has a plain border.
set-border-width! -- Set the border width of WIN's border to WIDTH pixels.
stick-icon -- Cause WIN's icon to become "sticky".
unstick-icon -- Cause WIN's icon to no longer be "sticky".
icon-sticky? -- Return #t if WIN is "sticky", #f otherwise.
set-icon-box! -- Set the icon box in which WIN's icon will be placed.
set-window-focus! -- Set the focus style of WIN to SYM.
window-focus-style -- Get the focus style of WIN.
get-window-colors -- Return a two-element list, '(fg bg), the colors for WIN.
get-window-highlight-colors -- Return a two-element list, '(fg bg), the highlight colors for WIN.
window-decoration-ids -- Returns a list of long integer window ids of the decoration windows for WIN.
set-window-id-background! -- Set the background color of X11 window with id WINID to BG.
set-window-highlighted-nonant! -- Highlight NONANT for WIN.
window-highlighted-nonant -- Returnt the highlighted nonant for WIN, or #f if none highlighted.
set-nonant-highlight-color! -- Use COLOR for highlighting nonants.
nonant-highlight-color -- Return the color used for highlighting nonants.
set-window-foreground! -- Set the foreground color of WIN to FG.
set-window-background! -- Set the background color of WIN to BG.
set-window-highlight-foreground! -- Set the highlighted foreground color of WIN to FG.
set-window-highlight-background! -- Set the highlighted background color of WIN to BG.
set-window-button! -- Set the visibility of button number N on window WIN.
set-mwm-buttons! -- Set the mwm-buttons flag of WIN to boolean FLAG.
set-mwm-border! -- Set the mwm-border style flag of WIN to boolean FLAG.
set-icon-title! -- Set the visibility of WIN's icon title according to FLAG.
set-force-icon! -- Set the window-manager-overriding property for WIN to boolean FLAG.
set-show-icon! -- Set whether or not the icon of WIN will be visible.
set-icon! -- Set the image to use for the icon of WIN to IMAGE.
window-icon -- Get the icon image being used for WIN.
set-mini-icon! -- Set the image to use for the mini-icon of WIN to IMAGE.
window-mini-icon -- Get the mini-icon image being used for WIN.
window-shaped? -- Return #t if WIN is a shaped window, #f otherwise.
window-icon-shaped? -- Return #t if WIN has shaped icon, #f otherwise.
set-hint-override! -- Set whether or not Mwm and Open Look function hints are used.
set-decorate-transient! -- Set decoration of transients property on WIN.
set-mwm-decor-hint! -- Set whether or not Motif decoration hints are used for WIN.
set-mwm-func-hint! -- Set whether or not Motif function hints are used for WIN.
set-PPosition-hint! -- Set or reset the program-specified position hint for WIN.
set-OL-decor-hint! -- Determine whether or not to respect Open Look decoration hints.
set-start-on-desk! -- Make WIN start on DESK when first mapped.
set-skip-mapping! -- Set or reset whether scwm should not change desktops on a map.
set-lenience! -- Set or reset the input focus lenience flag.