set-title-justify! -- Set the justification for the title to JUST.
title-justify -- Return the current justification for the title, as set by set-title-justify!.
set-title-height! -- Set the height of the titlebar in pixels to HEIGHT.
title-height -- Return the height of the titlebar in pixels, as set by set-title-height!.
restarted? -- Returns true if scwm is being restarted by itself.
capturing? -- Returns #t when the windows are being captured.
refresh -- Make sure all windows and their decorations are up to date.
set-click-delay! -- Set the delay used in identifying mouse clicks and drags.
click-delay -- Returns the delay used in identifying mouse clicks and drags, in milliseconds.
set-colormap-focus! -- Set the colormap focus policy to FTYPE.
colormap-focus -- Return the colormap focus policy, as set by set-colormap-focus!.
pointer-position -- Return the current position of the mouse pointer in pixels.
move-pointer-to -- Move the mouse pointer to viewport coordinates SX, SY.
recapture -- Recapture all the windows.
beep -- Ring the standard X bell.
set-click-to-focus-passes-click! -- Determine whether a click-to-focus window receives the click.
click-to-focus-passes-click? -- Returns #t iff a click-to-focus window is sent the click, else #f.
set-click-to-focus-raises! -- Determine whether a click to focus raises the clicked-on window.
click-to-focus-raises? -- Returns #t iff a click-to-focus window gets raised on focus, else #f.
set-mouse-focus-click-raises! -- Determine whether a mouse-focus-click will raise the window.
mouse-focus-click-raises? -- Returns a boolean value indicating whether a mouse-focus-click will raise the window.
X-rotate-cut-buffers -- Rotate the X cut buffers by N positions.
elapsed-time -- Return the elapsed time in milliseconds since O.
scwm-last-timestamp -- Return the timestamp of the last event Scwm handled.
scwm-version -- Return the version of scwm running.
scwm-version-date -- Return the date that the running scwm was last changed as a string.
scwm-path-prefix -- Return the $PREFIX directory path that scwm was installed with.
scwm-path-exec-prefix -- Return the $EXEC_PREFIX directory path that scwm was installed with.
set-X-server-synchronize! -- Set X server sychronization flag to FLAG.
X-version-information -- Return some information about the version of the running X server.
X-display-information -- Return some information about the screen.
user-name -- Return the current user's name.
user-home -- Return the current user's home directory.
done-startup? -- Return #t iff Scwm is fully initialized, else #f.
force-segv-for-testing -- Cause a segmentation violation.
set-reset-on-segv! -- Reset Scwm to the main event loop on the next NUMBER-TO-RESET segv signals.
reset-on-segv -- Return the number of segv signals Scwm will reset on.
set-handle-segv! -- If FLAG, tell Scwm to catch segv signals.
x-connection-number -- Return the X connection file descriptor number.
scwm-run-test-hook-0 -- Invoke scwm-test-hook-0 COUNT times.
scwm-run-test-hook-1 -- Invoke scwm-test-hook-1 COUNT times with ARG as the single argument.
get-next-event -- Return a represention of the next key or mouse event.
get-key-event -- Return a represention of the next key event.
get-mouse-event -- Return a represention of the next mouse event.
X-fetch-bytes -- Returns a string representing the value of the cut buffer.
X-store-bytes -- Set the cut buffer to STRING by calling XStoreBytes.