image? -- Returns #t if OBJ is an image object, otherwise #f.
image-properties -- Return an association list giving some properties of IMAGE.
image-short-name -- Return the short name of IMAGE.
image-size -- Return the size of IMAGE as a list (width height).
load-xbm -- Load an X Bitmap file identified by the pathname FULL-PATH.
load-xpm -- Load an X Pixmap file identified by the pathname FULL-PATH.
load-imlib-image -- Load an image file using imlib identified by the pathname FULL-PATH.
register-image-loader -- Register PROC as the loader to use for images ending in EXTENSION.
unregister-image-loader -- Unregister the loader, if any, for images ending in EXTENSION.
make-image -- Loads an image from the file NAME.
clear-image-cache-entry -- Images are cached by both name and full pathname.
window->image -- Return an image with the contents of window WIN.
clone-scaled-image -- Returns a copy of IMAGE scaled to have dimensions WIDTH by HEIGHT.