set-current-desk! -- Change the current desk to DESK.
current-desk -- Returns the integer identifying the current desk.
set-viewport-position! -- Position the upper left corner of the viewport at coordinates X, Y.
viewport-position -- Returns the current position of the viewport in pixels.
set-edge-x-scroll! -- Set the horizontal edge scroll increment to PIXELS.
edge-x-scroll -- Return the horizontal edge scroll increment as set by set-edge-x-scroll!.
set-edge-y-scroll! -- Set the vertical edge scroll increment to PIXELS.
edge-y-scroll -- Return the vertical edge scroll increment as set by set-edge-y-scroll!.
set-edge-x-wrap! -- Set whether to wrap pointer around horizontal edges.
edge-x-wrap -- Return the current horizonatal edge wrap setting as set by set-edge-x-wrap!.
set-edge-y-wrap! -- Set whether to wrap pointer around vertical edges.
edge-y-wrap -- Return the current vertical edge wrap setting as set by set-edge-y-wrap!.
set-edge-scroll-delay! -- Set the edge scroll delay to MS milliseconds.
edge-scroll-delay -- Return the edge scroll delay (in ms) as set by set-edge-scroll-delay!.
set-edge-move-threshold! -- Set the edge move threshold to PIXELS.
edge-move-threshold -- Return the edge move threshold as set by set-edge-move-threshold!.
set-desk-size! -- Sets the desk size to WIDTH, HEIGHT.
desk-size -- Returns the size of the current desk.
display-size -- Returns the size of the physical screen in pixels.