keep-tops-even -- Keep W1 and W2 aligned at the top.
keep-lefts-even -- Keep W1 and W2 aligned at the left.
keep-bottoms-even -- Keep W1 and W2 aligned at the bottom.
keep-rights-even -- Keep W1 and W2 aligned at the right.
keep-to-left-of -- Keep W1 to the left of W2.
keep-above -- Keep W1 wholly above W2.
keep-top-at-v -- Keep W1's top at cl-variable V's pixel value.
keep-left-at-v -- Keep W1's left at cl-variable V's pixel value.
keep-right-at-v -- Keep W1's right at cl-variable Vs pixel value.
keep-full-width -- Keep W1 and W2 sum of widths equal to the display's width.
keep-full-height -- Keep W1 and W2 sum of heights equal to the display's height.
keep-adjacent-horizontal -- Keep W1's right edge aligned with W2's left edge.
keep-adjacent-vertical -- Keep W1's bottom edge aligned with W2's top edge.
keep-at-left-edge -- Keep W's left edge at the left edge of the desktop.
keep-at-top-edge -- Keep W's top edge at the top edge of the desktop.
keep-at-right-edge -- Keep W's right edge at the right edge of the desktop.
keep-constant-width -- Keep W's width at WIDTH.
keep-constant-size -- Keep W's size from changing.
cl-set-solver-var -- Set solver S's variable CLV to value VALUE.