place-in-viewport -- Move WIN to the (XX, YY) viewport.
place-on-desk -- Move window WIN to desk DESK.
place-interactively -- Place WIN interactively.
place-at-point -- Place WIN at the pointer position.
place-at-center -- Place window in the center of the current viewport.
at-virtual-offset-placement -- Return a procedure that takes a window and places it at virtual offset X, Y.
at-vp-offset-placement -- Return a procedure that takes a window and places it at viewport offset X, Y.
in-viewport-placement -- Return a procedure that takes a window and places it in viewport (XX, YY).
on-desk-placement -- Return a procedure that takes a window and places it on DESK.
interactive-placement -- Return a procedure that takes a window and places it interactively.
at-point-placement -- Return a procedure that places a window at the pointer position.
auto-accept-dialog-placement -- Return a procedure that auto-accepts a dialog box window.
near-window-placement -- Return a procedure that places a window near the window returned by WINDOW-GETTER.
virtual-switch-placement -- Wrap placement procedure PROC with virtual switching code.
strict-relpos-placement -- Wrap placement procedure PROC with adding a contraint that the windows stay relatively where they are.
make-keep-winclass-centered -- Return a procedure that keeps windows of CLASS centered in the viewport.
re-place-window -- Reposition WIN by re-placing it using PROC.