gravity->alignments -- Return a list of two numeric alignments corresponding to a GRAVITY.
position-message-window! -- Move the move/resize message window's GRAVITY point to (X,Y).
message-window-options -- Allow specification of message-window behavior for standard actions.
message-window-style -- Set visual style of MSGWIN.
make-message-window-with-image -- Return a new message window with IMG as a background, sized appropriately.
make-message-window-clone-default -- Return a new message window that has the default style.
message-window-copy-style! -- Copy the visual style of MSGWIN-SOURCE to the style for MSGWIN.
display-message-briefly -- Display MSG in the message window for SEC-TIMEOUT seconds.
make-message-window-win-copy -- Return a message window with a background that is a copy of the image in WIN.
with-frozen-root-window -- Execute THUNK with a frozen root window.