scwm-gtk-sync -- Dispatch all pending gtk-events.
start-handling-gtk-events -- No documentation supplied.
gtk-pixmap-new-search-scwm-path -- Return the new pixmap object as gtk-pixmap-new does, but search Scwm's image-load-path for it.
image->gtk-pixmap -- Return a gtk-pixmap widget for IMG for use in BUTTON.
gtk-window->scwm-window -- Return the Scwm window object corresponding to GTKWIN.
use-gtk-error-window-for-scwm -- No documentation supplied.
gtk-clist-get-row-values -- Return a list of the COL columns of row ROW of CLIST.
gtk-text-replace -- Replace all the text in TEXTWIDGET with TEXT.
gtk-scrolled-window-set-vadjustment-value -- Set the vadjustment for SW, a scrolled window, to FLOAT.
gtk-scrolled-window-set-hadjustment-value -- Set the hadjustment for SW, a scrolled window, to FLOAT.