Run-time command-line options

Option: -D or --debug

Description: enable lots of debugging messages.

Option: -n or --nobacktrace

Description: disable guile's debugging backtraces.

Option: -p or --segv-cleanup-and-stop

Description: abort on segv signal, but cleanup first

Option: -P or --segv-just-stop

Description: abort on segv signal without catching signal at all

Option: -s or --single-screen

Description: run only on on the first screen of the display.

Option: -d or --display dpy

Description: run on display dpy.

Option: -f or --file file

Description: read startup commands from the specified file instead of ".scwmrc" or "system.scwmrc".

Option: -e or --expression expr

Description: evaluate Scheme expression expr instead of reading from ".scwmrc" or "system.scwmrc". Multiple -e and -f options may be specified on a single command line and in this case will be processed in the order in which they were specified.

Option: -F or --document-formals

Description: document formal parameters of primitives.

Option: -h or --help

Description: prints a usage message and exits.

Option: -b or --blackout

Description: blacks the screen out to hide the initial capture.

Option: --client-id id

Description: sets scwm's client id to a specific value. This is probably of no use to you unless you're a session manager or debbuging.

Option: -v or --version

Description: prints the version and exits.