color->string -- Convert scwm color object COLOR into an X11 name of that color.
add-hook-once! -- Add PROC to HOOK only if it does not contain PROC already.
append-hook-once! -- Append PROC to HOOK only if it does not contain PROC already.
round/ -- Return the closest integer to X divided by Y.
half -- Return the closest integer to half of X.
sleep-ms -- Delay for MS milliseconds.
maybe-make-color -- Try to make OBJ into a color and return that color object.
%x -- Return the number of pixels that is X percent of the display width.
%y -- Return the number of pixels that is Y percent of the display height.
pix->%x -- Return the percent of the display width that PIX is.
pix->%y -- Return the percent of the display height that PIX is.
x- -- Return the viewport pixel coordinate X pixels left of the right display edge.
y- -- Return the viewport pixel coordinate Y pixels up from the bottom display edge.
viewport-x-position -- Return the x coordinate of the current viewport.
viewport-y-position -- Return the y coordinate of the current viewport.
viewport-center-x -- Return the x coordinate of the center of the current viewport.
viewport-center-y -- Return the y coordinate of the center of the current viewport.
viewport->virtual -- Return the virtual coordinates for viewport X,Y.
virtual->viewport -- Return the viewport coordinates for virtual X,Y.
vpx->vx -- Convert from a viewport to a virtual X coordinate.
vpy->vy -- Convert from a viewport to a virtual Y coordinate.
vx->vpx -- Convert from a virtual to a viewport X coordinate.
vy->vpy -- Convert from a virtual to a viewport Y coordinate.
virtual-size -- Return the size of the virtual screen in pixels.
vx- -- Return the virtual coordinate X pixels left of the right virtual edge.
vy- -- Return the virtual coordinate Y pixels up from the bottom virtual edge.
%x- -- Return the pixel coordinate X percent of the width away from the right edge.
%y- -- Return the pixel coordinate Y percent of the height away from the bottom edge.
w%x -- Return a pixel width X percent of the width of window W.
w%y -- Return a pixel height Y percent of the height of window W.
string-contains-slash? -- No documentation supplied.
program-exists? -- Return #t iff PROGRAM-NAME is in the current $PATH or is a path to an executable.
set-default-menu-foreground! -- Set the default color for menu text to FG.
set-default-menu-background! -- Set the default background for menus to BG.
set-default-menu-stipple! -- Set the default color for stippled (inactive) menu text to STIPPLE.
set-default-menu-font! -- Set the default font for menu text to FONT.
set-default-menu-title-font! -- Set the default font for menu title text to FONT.
set-default-menu-side-image! -- Set the default menu side image to IMAGE.
set-default-menu-side-background! -- Set the default background for the menu side image to BG.
set-default-menu-bg-image! -- Set the default menu background image to IMAGE.
set-default-menu-look! -- Set the default menu look to LOOK.
set-default-menu-hl-fg-color! -- Set the default menu highlight foreground color to FG.
set-default-menu-hl-bg-color! -- Set the default menu highlight background color to BG.
set-highlight-colors! -- Set the highlight window's background color to BG, foreground color to FG.
set-window-colors! -- Set WIN's background color to BG, foreground color to FG.
window-background-color -- No documentation supplied.
window-foreground-color -- No documentation supplied.
move-pointer -- Move the X11 pointer X pixels to the right, and Y pixels down.
move-window-viewport-position -- Move WIN to viewport position X, Y.
delta-position -- Return a new coordinate list that is DX,DY offset from XY-LIST.
move-window-relative -- Move WIN X, Y pixels from where it is currently.
window-title-height -- Return WIN's titlebar's height.
window-title-width -- Return WIN's titlebar's width.
window-viewport-position -- Return the position of WIN in pixels within the viewport.
window-virtual-position -- Return the virtual position of WIN in pixels.
icon-viewport-position -- Return the position of WIN's icon in pixels within the viewport.
move-viewport -- Move the viewport onto the virtual desktop relatively.
use-placement-hint -- Do nothing when placing WIN, just let it be where hinted to be.
menu-style -- Set various properites for the menus.
simple-title-style -- Set the style for titlebars.
menu-title -- Return a menuitem object that is a title.
menuitem -- Return a menuitem object with the given attributes.
menu -- Return a menu object with the given attributes.
popup-menu-from-decoration -- Popup MENU from WIN's decoration numbered BUTTON-NUMBER.
image-property -- Return the KEY property of IMAGE.
font-property -- Return the KEY property of FONT.
color-property -- Return the KEY property of COLOR.
exe -- Return a procedure that, when invoked, executes COMMAND in the background.
run-in-xterm -- Return a procedure that runs CMD in an xterm.
start-xterm -- Start an xterm using `*xterm-command*' and `*xterm-user-shell-options*'.
xterm-other-host -- Run an xterm on machine HOSTNAME.
set-edge-resistance! -- Set the edge scroll delay to S, and the edge move threshold to M.
set-edge-wrap! -- Set the edge x and y wrap values to X and Y, respectively.
set-edge-scroll! -- Set the edge scroll values to X and Y, respectively.
unset-message-window-position! -- Move the message window back to the default screen-center position.
scwm-is-constraint-enabled? -- Return #t if scwm has the constraint solver primitives, #f otherwise.
scwm-system -- Run CMD using /bin/sh -c CMD and return a list: (exit-status child-pid).
execute -- Execute COMMAND in the background.
background-system -- Run CMD using /bin/sh -c CMD and return the exit status.
select-window -- Select a window interactively, and return the specified window.
caught-error -- No documentation supplied.
select-window-interactively -- Return an interactively-selected window after prompting (optionally) with MSG.
run-dot-xclients-script -- Runs the ~/.
run-dot-xclients-at-startup -- After done reading your startup file, run your ~/.
keycode->keysym -- Return a string containing the X11 keysym for key with code KEYCODE.
window-class -- Return the window resources class of WIN.
window-resource -- Return the window resource instance of WIN.
window-visible-frame-size -- Return the visible frame size of WIN.
make-image-or-warn -- Return an image object for FILENAME and report a warning if it fails.
image-not-found-message -- Report a missing image filename, but do not error.
X-server-synchronize -- Handle all pending events.